Well we are getting ready to have our Annual Family Dinner, Sort of a sit down we do all the members get together for a holiday dinner and some havoc and in there somewhere we do a hugh year end meeting. Shows for next year, votes on important shit, who's gonna do what projects, yadda, yadda, yadda.......
Other than that we have Dave's chop moving along nicely , the truck is chopped 2 inches, and the wipers are shaved, a pillers slanted, drip rail removed, along with the vent windows. Also the addition of a different visor and new paint in the works. Stay posted for pic's but for now big props for that old guy chopping a truck in four days. My engine bay clean up is about done, and We are moving right along with plans for Cobo Hall.
New Additions include Keven Carters roadster body which he and Chris are heading to Texas to pick up next weekend.