Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years.

in 7 short months i too will be on holy ground......this is my new years gift to you brothers an sisters of speed.

Depth of Speed - A Pinch of Salt from Josh Clason on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

They call it "Detroit!"

Less than tow months till Autorama. The mad rush has already begun. It's always worth it, the rush, the stress, the planning, the lost sleep, the mad thrash. What we refer to as simply "Cobo" has grown into our favorite show as a club. Not only because of the deep history as "the Show" in customs cars period, but also each year our club display has grown and matured. We started out with 4 primered halfway finished cars and a few old parts spread on the ground. Now we've been told we are taking up the biggest spot they have with almost 15 cars. We've done full on displays with a garage built on site, one year we brought only cars that had never been seen before "our second cars", this year were bringing all they can house. We have 4 cars from out of state 3 from the Ohio "mother chapter", 1 from our Devils Brigade "military chapter and 10 from our own stable. 6 of which are under various states of construction. Busy busy times. Come down an hang out and have a beer this year, we wont have any support gear to sell, we wont have a bad ass garage to hangout in, hell all of our cars wont be finished by then but well be there ready to finally relax and enjoy the first show of 2012. see ya there or yer square.


Two teasers 10 months into the build at this point i'm not showing to much since cobo hall is just under 2 months away. but that Vintage Eelco gas tank started this whole project off it was the first part i got off a friend and club member, and since then the list has grown and all by friends, family, or club members. the list of parts not provided or bought by those people can be counted on one hand. this ones for life.......

Friday, December 23, 2011

Nicks Rockette...

yep shes a lil bit lower with the help of some new suspension work...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rob semi-new car is finally lower than stock.

ready for cobo...1 car down 4 to go....


the period incorrect A/HR drag car is coming along....

Daves Truck

his bed cover is coming along, frames done, lift shocks are in now for a top...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Support and Friend of the Devils.

Mud Goodsleeve has a new start up if your lookin for some Xmas gifts . give it a look.

The Prez. Speaks...

Been a while, as usual i'm about to say ill keep up on this more often, but i think this time i just might. We have some cars in the chapter that are nearing "completion" and some just starting. And as it seems there are a few changes in growth, for the most part one being age, most of the current line up of vehicles are considerably older in age and harkening back to the art deco age of customs such as Chris's 40 ford and his 37 Ford, and other changes deal with quality and speed such as Toms' 34 and my own 29' late 50's era Drag inspired cars. Are prospects are maturing quite nicely as well.
We wont be making a display to compete at Cobo hall this year, we will be concetrating on more cars and better quality cars yet again. Each year we hit cobo as a club we bring at least one car thats considered finished and more than half the cars are ones that we haven't shown before. thats a tradition we'd like to carry on.
So with that being said ill try to post random pictures of current work were doing in the garage until February. Once it gets warm out all bets are off on my participation on here, i just may share the password and login with my officers so we can all make entries and get more of a broad spectrum of the chapter from others.
So that being said, back at it in the garage. Well see ya soon. Check back.


If you dug Garage magazine, Youll dig this Dave Stoner has started up a new rag if your lucky or rich you can find a copy of issue #1 for around $50 on ebay it dropped about a week ago. if not wait till issue two and check the web site till then @

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Support a brother who's buildin a car.

Bugspray Promo from 74Films on Vimeo.

Get @ me if ya need some work, cuz I need some money to finish my car. serious inquries only .

Beep Beep......

alot has changed since March.........................stay tuned for more shannagins.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Old fat Guys

Hey ya'll we got alot of crap going down soon many new builds, photos from cobo 2011, and all kinds of shit. new merch as well. stay tuned. for now completley unrelated is this video.

Fat Guy On A Curb from Black Label Skateboards on Vimeo.